This element emphasizes direct personal connection with nature, including all the major elements of earth. Therefore, you will interact with soil, grasses, leaves + bark of trees. You will marvel at the impact of a storm, the rattling of forest canopies, the scent of wildflowers on a breeze. You will rest yourself beside the gentle stream (or feral sea), dance amidst the raindrops, savor cooling sips of virgin water. You will celebrate the changing of the seasons, recognizing temperature + tone, absorbing them. You will know the fire of the sun, and sense its measure: noting how it shifts throughout the day.

Most of all, you are a child of the earth (the land, the soil, and the trees). Your ties are to the ground of biological existence: all the processes + forces that sustain it. You will treasure all that’s born of earth as well: your countless living siblings (be they feathered, furry, rooted, scaled, or slick). You will sense the gravity that holds it all together like a promise. You will feel this steady promise in your feet: a downward tug; a groundedness, a rootedness, a weight.

Earth refers to structure + foundation (muscles, bones). Its theme is Sensual Enjoyment, which refers both to the senses + the quality of richness they absorb. Therefore, you will live + move + breathe + have your being as a tangible expression of life’s essence: cherishing the ever-present proofs of your own strength. You will find this strength inherent to each step you ever notice: minor gestures, simple acts. You will recognize it in your bones.

Most of all, you’ll emphasize ENJOYMENT: treasuring each moment as the first, and last, and only; soaking every detail like a sponge. You will grow more sensitive to the unfolding miracle of life: you’ll learn to feel, and you will feel profoundly when you do.

Blossoming eternally, you will taste the poetry of physical existence while it lasts.


Body Keys + Gifts expressed through Earth will have a grounding influence on self + others. Privacy + Soundscape will make use of earthy tones + steady rhythms: tribal patterns, natural escapes. Nurture will come close to nature, too: inspiring cocoons of texture, fibers, scent. Activity will use + move the body: delighting in its gravity + strength.

Further contemplation will reveal how each of your specific Body Keys adapts to the expression of these Elemental themes. Practice will reveal which ways are yours.


The 6 Elemental Expressions of The Body Keys are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, and Spirit. The Body Keys Personal Formula reveals which one is yours.


Timothy Brainard